26 & 27 september 2x show in Maastricht
Maastricht zaterdag 26-09-2015 Keurmeester Margaret Wildman (Uk)
Twee dagen show in Maastricht leverde de volgende resultaten op. De jeugd reu was de grote winnaar dit weekend in het Zuiden.
Baby reu
1.Vb Starspirit Sweet Symphonie Best Baby
Jeugd reuen
1.U Nickelson Silver Lord Nocturnal Beauty JCAC – Best Jeugd – CAC – BOB est Best junior of group 2 in show
2.U Norman is the Exclusive Bull
3.U Diggle Blitz Van Josabull
4.U Dubbing van t’ Patdana home
Open reuen
1.U Shipshape Beyond Suspicion Bull RCAC – CACIB
2.U Kesupa Freemans Choise For Testwood RCACIB
3.U Mister Winston Van Trod
Puppy teef (1 Abs)
1.Vb Crib & Rosa’s Chupa Chup Best Puppy
2.VB Oh So Beautifull Smooth diamont
3.Vb One Lucky Girl Exclusive bull
Jeugd teef (2 ABS)
1.U Jelly Splash Van Josabull JCAC
2.U Djamilla van t’Padana home
3.U Triader It is What it is
4.U It Came True With sense Of Honnour
Open teef (1 ABS)
1.U Molly Smooth Diamont
2.U Zohey
3.U Highlord Fiona
Kampioen teven
1.U Banditbulls Nothing Else CAC – CACIB – BOS
2.U Meljane Cherry Lips Mystyle
Maastricht zondag 27-09-2015 Keurmeester: Boris Spoljaric (Cr)
Baby reu
1.Vb Starspirit Sweet Symphonie Best Baby & 3 ieme best baby in show
Jeugd reu
1.Ex Nickelson Silver Lord Nocturnal Beauty JCAC – Best Jeune – CAC – Bos
2.Ex Diggle Blitz Van Josabull
3.Ex Dubbing van t’ Patdana home
4.Ex Norman is the Exclusive Bull
Open reuen
1.Ex Relight My Fire Kinibox RCAC -CACIB
2.Ex Shipshape Beyond Suspicion Bull RCACIB
3.Ex Finally With The sense Of Honour
Puppy teef
1.Vb Oh So Beautifull Smooth diamont
2.Vb Starspirit First Chapter
Jeugd teven
1.Ex Jelly Splash Van Josabull JCac
2.Ex Omnia Coral From Kaja Bulls
3.Ex It Came True Withe sense Of Honnour
4.Ex Luna Going in Style
Ex Triader It is What it is
Intermediare teef
1.Ex Slobi’s Beautiful Abbygail
Open teef (1 ABS)
1.Ex Molly Smooth Diamont RCac -RCacib
2.Ex Highlord Fiona
3.Ex Zohey
Kampioens teef (1 Abs)
1.Ex Meljane Cherry Lips Mystyle CAC – CACIB – BOB